Sunday, October 9, 2011

Dammit, Janet! Absurdity for a Good Cause

Tonight I had to play a wedding on the other side of town.  Even though my body has been uncooperative as of late thanks to the RA, I hate to waste a perfectly good trip across town and decided that it was mind over matter and dang it, I was going out!  After leaving the wedding I took myself out for sushi and then met my friend Marni for coffee.  I don't actually drink coffee, but I may now be addicted to Earl Gray lattes.

On a whim I checked Facebook and discovered that the organization who funds the city's feral cat program was holding a fundraiser in the form of a midnight movie downtown at a historic hotel.  They didn't specify which, but given that they said "audience participation" and "props, but no wet props such as hot dogs" I figured it was probably the Rocky Horror Picture Show-and it was!  I showed up just as the doors opened and paid $10 admission plus $3 for a bag of props-all of which goes to fund PetsAlive.

After enduring the "hazing of the virgins" (a rite of passage for all who have never seen the film in a theatre), I settled in to watch the shadow cast perform live right along with the movie.  They did a great job and we all enjoyed shouting rude things at Brad and Janet and throwing toast.  There was an older couple who left about 15 minutes in.  I don't think they were really into the participation aspect.  For me, this was like Roswell condensed into 90 minutes.  Since they do the show the second Saturday of every month, I'll definitely be back-in costume and with some practice on doing the Time Warp.  I think I could pull of the costume for Columbia, and it won't surprise any of you who know me well that I already own the majority of the items needed for it.

It's a small world.  One of the ladies volunteering was discussing teaching with another volunteer who teaches math at a local high school.  I turned around and joined the discussion on standardized tests and why I'm glad we don't have them in fine arts, and was asked where I teach.  The volunteer mentioned that several of our students had helped her on a project and I asked if they were IB kids.  She said no, that she wasn't aware that we had the IB program, but she's an IB grad!  She is also a musician and took the music exam HL.

Even smaller world-I asked the volunteer her name and found out that she is one of the women I spoke to last week about getting the mother cat to the vet to be spayed.  When I spoke with her she said she was out of state at a funeral and today she mentioned that the funeral was in Kansas.  Three guesses which town.

Anyway, for those of you following the ongoing saga of All My Kittens (and since my page views increase every day, there must be a few....if you're stalking my blog, leave me a comment so I know who you are!), the kittens are doing just fine.

Last night LJ fell asleep in the sink rather contentedly while I petted him, and tonight ate part of his dinner in my lap.  He is getting much better about being picked up.  No purring yet, but he does seem to enjoy being touched more now and last night even let me use the flea comb on him (no fleas!).  Mac will let me touch her if she's eating and will come close to me to get to the food, but the minute she figures out what's going on she hisses and I usually get swatted.

Both kittens played with a toy for the first time tonight, which took quite a bit of coaxing on my part.  They have also started to groom themselves more in my presence, which is a good thing.

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