Thursday, October 6, 2011

Kitten Socialization, Day 3

Sorry, no pictures again.  But I will share some videos that I have found extremely helpful.

I've decided that the guy in these videos deserves some kind of award, not just because of the obvious kindness he displays toward animals, but because apparently his "day job" is resident stage director for the NYC Opera at Lincoln Center.  He's also a vet tech.  Maybe that's what I should do in my free time when I'm not teaching orchestra....because I have so much of it....anyway.  Here are the videos from Mike Phillips at the Urban Cat League in NYC:

Both kittens will eat off of the spoon, but Mac still hisses at me when I enter the room until she realizes that I'm just there to feed her.  She's very smart and reluctant to be lured closer with food.  I originally thought that she'd socialize faster, but it looks like I was wrong.  LJ, on the other hand, will lick food off of my fingers and let me pet him.  Today he even let me pick him up and put him in my lap.  He was pretty wide-eyed and scared but not at all defensive and continued to eat when prompted.  I got him off the ground and against my chest for a couple of minutes, which is a huge step.  He's going to make a great mellow cat and has very expressive eyes and a very adorable expression in general.  Mac is going to take some more work.  Hopefully once LJ is comfortable in laps I'll be able to separate the two a little more.  

Anyway, these are hungry little guys.  They went through three jars of baby food and a can and a half of regular food today.  It shouldn't be any problem continuing to socialize with food!  Both kittens also look considerably cleaner and fluffier after their bath yesterday, but they are extremely messy eaters and as a consequence are a little grody again.  Maybe they'll clean each other off.  

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