Friday, February 10, 2012

Recent Developments

I really stink at keeping things current, apparently.  If you're still following the epic saga of All My Kittens, here's a quick update.  We've gone from climbing the walls to this:

This is Wednesday in the picture.  Mac has made similar progress but overall Wednesday is more clingy and less camera shy.  Mac likes to chase things on the computer screen.  

In other news, after heading back into a flare my rheumatologist determined I needed to add methotrexate.  I was seriously hesitant about going back down this road.  I was up to 6 or 8 pills a week (can't remember which) when I was on it in high school and college, and it made me really sick. Methotrexate is a low-dose mild chemotherapy drug.  It is low-dose and mild but has the same side effects.  This time around, I'm on a very tiny dose of injectable methotrexate.  Injectable is better absorbed by the body than pills and since it bypasses the digestive tract the nausea isn't as bad.  Still, I'm taking mine on Fridays in case the day after is a bummer.  

These are way easier to do than Enbrel injections. They do require a little more preparation, but they don't burn and the needles are seriously tiny.  This is the first time I've ever felt comfortable injecting into my stomach.  Seriously, check out that tiny needle!

The vials are also tiny.  Two of them come in a pill bottle labeled with the prescription info.  

OK, it looks like radioactive Mountain Dew.  But it doesn't burn, and I have noticed an improvement so far.  The side effects aren't terrible....yet.

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