Since I teach in a year-round district (which is heaven, by the way), the kids come back to school on Monday. We've been busy in inservices this week doing training and preparing for the kids to come back. I also had the good fortune to attend a training for the International Baccalaureate Program a couple of weeks ago, which I will do a full post on very soon. It deserves its own post because it was that awesome.
I'll also post pictures soon of the DIY going on in my office and on the walls of my classroom just as soon as they are suitable for presentation. Campus is open tomorrow afternoon, and of course I'll be there making folders and such.
Anyway, I got rid of the dreads.

They were proving to be too much work and weren't looking very good, so I went with a bob, which I LOVE.
At today's work day, there was a faculty sandwich making contest. Fine Arts normally doesn't display our creativity at such things, as our band guys are out on the field with the band this week and the rest of us would rather go to the Chinese buffet. We were told that we had to participate, however, so this is what we came up with:

As you can see, we called our sandwich "the starving artist." We seriously considered Ramen noodles instead but decided that would be pushing the envelope. So we opted for peanut butter, bananas, and honey. No jelly. Starving artists can't afford such luxuries. Since we're artists, though, we cut our sandwiches into dinosaurs and choo choo trains, and we made one burrito style sandwich. We didn't win. I don't think we care too much. Our presentation was excellent. Do you like our newspaper tablecloth?
To all of the administrators out there: you may be sorely tempted to split up your fine arts people during inservice. Don't. Your meetings will be quieter, but your fine arts people will be really sad. We like to sit together even if we do get in trouble. Our principal had to come sit with the fine arts table at our last meeting in an attempt to keep us quiet. It didn't work. I couldn't tell if she was entertained or horrified, but she laughed right along with us. We were supposed to be summarizing something and it went something like this:
Theatre teacher reading aloud the latest addition to our summary:".....guidelines to follow..."
All the music people: "Follow the yellow brick road, follow the yellow brick road...."
Principal: (sighs) "We were doing so well."
We're a little ADD. Or GT. Or both. Heck, I don't know. The point is, we are the most fun department at school, and I'm pretty sure everyone else is just jealous.