Unfortunately, driving through Roswell there was a nasty incident with slamming on breaks driving through town, and long story short, I need two new headlight assemblies. I ended up using bungee cords and duct tape to get me the rest of the way to KS.
I spotted an awesome mullet somewhere in Oklahoma.
Finally, here is the end result of my Christmas crafting. My great grandmother wrote a poem about Mrs. Claus, so I made an ornament for each verse to give to my aunt. Since her tree is blue and silver, I kept the ornaments those colors. I'd give instructions on how to make each of these things, or at least link to online tutorials, but it's less work for me if I just tell everyone to look on Pinterest.
Of all the busy people
this happy Christmas time,
none work like Mrs. Claus
for days and nights besides.
The good old Saint her husband
has so much to do
if Mrs. Claus did not take hold
they never would get through.

Their home is bright and cheery
they call it Reindeer Hall.
Icicles stick fast to the roof
and icebergs form the walls.

gives all the light they need,
for How to Climb the Chimney
There's dolls in all the corners,there's dolls in all the chairs,
piled high in every cupboard shelf
and way up the front stairs.
But not a stitch of clothing
on any can be seen.
Old Santa Claus is nice,
but he can't sew on a machine.
So Mrs. Claus is busy
making petticoats and sacks.
And there are all the shirts to make
for all the jumping jacks.
And long clothes for the babies,
and hats and caps and capes.
All the dresses must be cut
in the very latest shapes.
Bright on the fire a kettle boils
making such a noise.
The lid pops up,
how good they smell
those lemon candy toys!
Such lots of candy cooking,
such stacks of chocolate nice.
The kitchen is a sticky place,
so sticky but so nice.
The reindeer must be harnessed,
the toys packed in the sleigh
and old Santa Claus wrapped up in furs
to ride so far away.
Then Mrs. Claus he kisses and says,
"My dear, I don't believe I'll be back home
'till nearly New Year's Eve."
And then away he dashes,
as Mrs. Claus does call
"Be careful how you climb,
I'll worry lest you fall."
And old Santa Claus is smiling,
"I never in my life
could do so much for boys and girls
without so good a wife."
I'd like to apologize for the weird formatting in this post. Between the Yorkshire pudding and the homemade toffee, my stomach is full and my brain is fuzzy. Merry Christmas, everyone!
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